How to Make Your Website Stand Out

How to Make Your Website Stand Out

If you are a business wanting to grow, the best place to start is your website. When people visit a website, they want to navigate quickly and know exactly where to go for what they are looking for. However, clients have a hard time deciphering your website. In that case, they will most likely click away and buy a product or service from competitors. We’ve compiled helpful information on how to make your website stand out against competitors so you don’t have to.

Update Often

Keeping a website relevant and updated is very important for business. You may decide to update and refresh your business’s branding after a few years. With updates, announce any changes and show your clients what updates are available such as new posts, news, or refreshed brand logo and colors. Clients will want to go and check out the new website and spend some time navigating through it.

Create a Blog

Blogs bring more traffic to your site and help share information about relevant topics and your business. People will want to learn more about specific topics and return to your site each time. Therefore, post blogs consistently, such as once a week. This will keep things fresh, and clients will know something new each week.

Keep It Mobile Friendly

Most internet scrolling happens on our phones. There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to navigate through a website that isn’t mobile-friendly. It is best to make sure your website will switch to mobile mode, and everything on it is easy to see and navigate. The goal is for the website to be easily visited on all devices so that it can be accessed at any time. If only a desktop version exists, traffic will differ from what you want.

Use Video

Current research shows that if a website page has a video, people will stay on the page much longer. Video captures attention and is useful for quickly showing what the website is all about. Video is preferred for delivering a product or service and reaching new and existing customers successfully.

Knowing how to make a website stand out against competitors is important. Businesses do much better when they update their websites often and keep things consistent and relevant. If you want to refresh your website or branding, give Silesky Marketing a call.

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